국경 없는 의료서비스 제공으로 외국인 환자의 든든한 동반자가 되겠습니다.
시화병원 국제진료센터는 공항과 공단의 지리적 접근성을 바탕으로 국내 거주 중인 외국인뿐만 아니라 해외 거주 외국인에게도 인종·언어·문화·국적에 구애받지 않고 최적의 진료가 원활하게 이루어질 수 있도록 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.
외국인 환자와의 의사소통을 위해 한국어, 중국어, 베트남어, 러시아어에 능통한 전담 코디네이터들이 상주하고 있으며 환자의 입국 전 의뢰부터 진료 예약, 해당 진료과 의료진의 맞춤형 상담, 검진, 치료 후 사후관리까지 토탈 메디컬 케어를 지원합니다.
진료과 | 진료안내 | |
1 | 건강검진 | 질병 예방활동, 일반건강검진, 채용건강검진, 종합건강검진 |
2 | 국제진료과 | 소화기질환, 염증성질환, 간질환, 기능성질환, 건강증진, 비만, 외국인진료 |
3 | 내과 | 소화기질환, 신장질환, 관절류마티스질환, 내분비질환, 호흡기질환, 소화기내시경센터, 인공신장센터 |
4 | 마취통증의학과 | 마취 전 평가, 수술 중 환자 관리, 수술 후 회복 및 통증 관리, 전신마취, 척추마취, 경막 외 마취 |
5 | 비뇨의학과 | 전립선질환, 배뇨장애, 요로결석, 요로생식기 감염성질환 |
6 | 산부인과 | 자궁근종, 자궁선근증, 자궁내막증, 난소낭종, 생리불순, 다낭성 난소 증후군 |
7 | 소아청소년과 | 예방접종, 영유아 검진, 폐렴, 알레르기, 설사, 변비, 구토, 복통, 소아 발열 |
8 | 신경과 | 뇌졸중, 뇌전증, 치매, 두통, 말초신경, 어지럼증, 수면장애 |
9 | 척추신경외과 | 척추와 척추 신경을 치료하는 시술 및 수술 |
10 | 뇌신경외과 | 뇌혈관질환에 대한 혈관 내 시술 및 수술 |
11 | 심장·혈관내과 | 심근경색, 협심증, 대동맥 및 말초혈관, 심부전, 고혈압, 부정맥, 관상동맥 조영술 |
12 | 영상의학과 | 중재적 영상의학, 일반촬영검사, MRI, CT, 초음파 진단, 유방 촬영 |
13 | 외과 | 대장, 항문, 유방, 갑상선, 하지정맥류, 외상, 화상, 위암·대장암 복강경 |
14 | 응급의학과 | 24시간 응급진료, 심 · 뇌혈관 응급처치, 경·중증 외상 응급처치, 생명연장을 위한 응급처치 |
15 | 재활의학과 | 뇌신경재활, 심혈관재활, 척수손상재활, 근골격계 통증 및 스포츠 재활, 전기진단 |
16 | 정신건강의학과 | 우울증, 조울증, 강박증, 공황장애, 대인공포증, 외상 후 스트레스, 금연, 알콜중독 |
17 | 정형외과 | 무릎 · 어깨 질환, 관절 내시경 수술, 십자인대 재건술, 인공관절 치환술 |
18 | 직업환경의학과 | 보건관리대행, 작업환경측정, 사업체 건강검진, 직업 관련성 질환의 진단 및 치료 |
19 | 진단검사의학과 | 임상화학, 진단혈액학, 진단면역학, 임상미생물학, 혈액은행, 감염분자진단 |
20 | 통합치의학과 | 임플란트, 악안면 골절 및 외상치료, 사랑니 발치, 심미교정 및 보철치료 |
21 | 혈액종양내과 | 백혈병, 림프종, 다발성골수종, 위암, 폐암, 빈혈, 항암치료 및 보존적 치료 |
22 | 흉부외과 | 흉부손상, 심장판막질환, 관상동맥 및 대동맥질환 |
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With medical services without borders, we will be a reliable partner for foreign patients.
Based on the geographical accessibility of the airport and industrial complex, the International Healthcare Center of Shihwa Medical Center offers services to foreign citizens residing in Korea as well as overseas to ensure that optimal medical services are provided regardless of ethnicity, language, culture, or nationality.
For effective communication with foreign patients, dedicated coordinators who are fluent in Korean, Chinese, and Vietnamese are available on site at all times, and we provide total medical care from patient inquiries and treatment appointments before their arrival to customized counseling by medical staff from the relevant departments, examination, and follow-up care.
Medical Departments | ||
1 | Health Checkup | Disease prevention activities, general health checkup, pre-placement health checkup, and comprehensive health checkup |
2 | International Healthcare | Family medicine, elderly medicine, health promotion, lifestyle diseases, obesity, foreign medical treatment |
3 | Internal medicine | Gastrointestinal disease, kidney disease, rheumatic disease for joints, endocrine disease, respiratory disease, gastrointestinal endoscopy center, and artificial kidney center |
4 | Anesthesiology | Pre-anesthetic evaluation, patient management during surgery, recovery and pain management after surgery, general anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, and epidural anesthesia |
5 | Urology | Prostate disease, urinary disorder, kidney stone, and urogenital infection |
6 | Obstetrics and Gynecology | Fibroids, adenomyosis, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, menstrual irregularities, polycystic ovary syndrome |
7 | Pediatrics | Vaccination, infant examination, pneumonia, allergy, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, abdominal pain, and fever in children |
8 | Neurology | Stroke, epilepsy, dementia, headache, peripheral nerves, dizziness, and sleep disorder |
9 | Spine Neurosurgery | Surgeries to treat spine and spinal nerves and endovascular surgeries for cerebrovascular diseases | 10 | Neurosurgery | endovascular surgeries for cerebrovascular diseases |
11 | Cardio Vascular Medicine | Myocardial infarction, angina, aorta and peripheral blood vessels, heart failure, hypertension, arrhythmia, and coronary angiography |
12 | Radiology | Interventional radiology, general radiography, MRI, CT, ultrasound diagnosis, and mammography |
13 | General Surgery | Colon, anus, breast, thyroid gland, varicose vein, trauma, burn, and laparoscopy for gastric cancer and colorectal cancer |
14 | Emergency Medicine | 24-hour emergency treatment, cardiac and cerebrovascular emergency care, minor and severe trauma emergency care, and emergency care for life extension |
15 | Rehabilitation Medicine | Brain nerve rehabilitation, cardiovascular rehabilitation, spinal cord injury rehabilitation, musculoskeletal pain and sports rehabilitation, and electrodiagnosis |
16 | Neuropsychiatry | Depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, anthropophobia, post-traumatic stress, smoking cessation, and alcoholism |
17 | Orthopedics | Knee and shoulder disease, endoscopic joint surgery, cruciate reconstruction, and artificial joint replacement |
18 | Occupational and Environmental Medicine | Health management agency, work environment measurement, health checkup for business establishment, diagnosis and treatment of occupation-related diseases |
19 | Laboratory Medicine | Clinical chemistry, diagnostic hematology, diagnostic immunology, clinical microbiology, blood bank, and diagnosis of infected molecules |
20 | Dentistry | Implant, maxillofacial fracture and trauma treatment, wisdom tooth extraction, aesthetic correction and prosthesis treatment |
21 | Hemato Oncology | Leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, stomach cancer, lung cancer, anemia, anticancer therapy, and conservative treatment |
22 | Cardiothoracic Surgery | Thoracic damage, heart valve disease, coronary artery and aortic disease |
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